It's been a minute hasn't it? {2 years} That's what all the young people say, right? And I ain't young, just turned 58 last month. But my head says I'm 20 something, but my body says something else. Well, anyhow....I pretty much let this blog go since I post on my Home Instagram most of the time, over at elliemader but even over there I'm not very consistent with posting all things home decor and lifestyle. I have a Teacher Instagram {{the heart of a fourth grade teacher}} and that's pretty much were I spend my time posting, I guess all things teaching consumes me, probably in an unhealthy way at times. I think that's why I should spend more time with enjoying the beauty of my home and fixing that all up since that brings me so much joy, but there is only so much time in the day, am I right? I wish there was more. Maybe I'll notch out more time to post on here more consistently since that will give the balance I need.
The why, when I was blogging before I was taking pictures on my camera and then uploading to my home computer and now I only take pictures on my phone and that is why if was easier to post on Instagram but I just realized I could easily add pictures, edit them on Snapseed APP then upload them from my phone and BOOM I could create a blog post! I know...took me awhile to figure that one out. So here we are and I'm sharing my Easter tablescape with you all. Nothing really new, all stuff I already had except I did get some faux twisted candles at Christmas from Amazon. I fell in love with Danielle's at Finding Silver Pennies, {hers are real} so I bought some I'm really happy with them with a click of a remote they all light up! All I had are pillar candlesticks, so I was on the hunt for some unique taper candlesticks holders, the brass ones were my husbands' grandmothers. I saw a beautiful pair over at Toni's Instagram that she thrifted, I'm still on the lookout for something similar, I absolutely fell in love with hers. I'm also so inspired by all her floral arrangements {which I tried to channel here with mine} she makes it looks so effortlessly with her florals. I got these from Trader Joes and I can't remember what they were called. I added some Eucalyptus, white Rosehips, and a snipped a blue Hydrangea from my garden. I made my traditional Carrot Cake with chocolate nest and I added some milk chocolate golden eggs I got from Homegoods.
Finding Silver Pennies Thanksgiving Table
Now that my daughters are adults the Easter Baskets sure don't resemble the ones when they were little, do they? One thing though is Chocolate! One of my daughters is Vegan so she can only eat the dark chocolate bars but they sure love their "sparkling wine".
All color coordinated of course! Most of the items came from Sprouts and a few from Trader Joe's.
It feels good to be posting again. I'm sure it won't be so much a drought next time. Happy springtime!