Hi, It has been a really, really, I mean really long time! A few reasons for that is it has been so much easier for me to post on Instagram than to have the pressure to write a blog post or create content for my blog. I'm sorry for that and I really do miss having fresh content on my blog, it was a journal for me to share and a place where my life memories where all together, it sort of took the place of my scrapbooking. Instagram has made it so easy to snap a picture on your iphone or a screenshot of beautiful images from all over the internet. Another reason is that my desktop computer has some issues and I'm not able to access my pictures and I've been lagging on getting that resolved( so I use my work laptop instead). Third, is that I started a full time teaching job and I'm in my second year of teaching 4th grade. That has consumed my time. Fourth, is that the lifestyle blogging has changed so much since when I first started blogging and my blog really has not kept up with all the high quality pictures, the staging of photos, witty commentary, and my blog is quite old fashioned. I spend my time learning the new curriculum instead of blogging on the Heart of the Sea blog. But today, I'd like to share a couple of images that have caught my eye on Instagram. THIS CAKE!! Is it the most beautiful cake?
When I saw it pop up on country living I screenshot it and it's been in my phone forever. I wish I had the baking skills to create such a masterpiece. I also saw these succulent cupcakes that look a bit more easier than the cake. If you are up to the challenge.
Check out Shaun Teo Creations on Instagram, he has some beautiful and artistic cupcakes and cakes. If you are cooped up inside due to the Coronavirus today might be your day to stretch your culinary skills and attempt one of these sweet treats and maybe, just maybe I'll join you . I can remember one time I was quite into making extraordinary birthday cakes for my daughters, now the table has turned and my daughters ( who are all grown up) have taken over the baking for special occasions. I'm excited to see what they will create today......