I finished decorating my porch this Halloween really, really late like on the day of Halloween! It underwent several changes this season as I brought in items such as the big pumpkins and lots of fall colored plants, it was like I couldn't make up my mind or something. My black feathered wreath has orange lights on it, but it is hard so see them in the photo. It looks good at night and gives the porch a nice halloweeny glow.
I had to rearrange my broom parking area due to the addition of our GIGANTIC pumpkins Mr. Incredible grew this year. Mr. Incredible also brought home these old milk crates from a job, see he complains about my hoarding issues but feeds it all the time! Whose fault is that!? The galvanized luminaria is from Homegoods, I thought it was too cute to pass up so in the cart it went. It's been dangerous having Homegoods so close to home.
Here is the other crate, in September I planted some beautiful purple colored plants in it, but at the end of the month and in October we have had some scorcher temps over 100 degrees and the plants did not make it so I plopped a skull in it to fill the hole. The Coleus is hanging in there and I hope it makes it as we are getting some cooler weather lately.
Here is a spooky view of our pumpkins...I like the spider webs I added this year with my black crows. Of course my witches hats came back since I do a Witchy theme every year.
My witch broom sign came back too that I made last year as inspired by Michael over at Inspired by Charm. It's one of my favorite pieces I've created. As you can see we grew some humongous pumpkins this year....but they rotted out before Halloween so we never got to carve Jack O' Lanterns out of them. Boo! We had three of them, but gave one to a school for their pumpkin science project.
Here is what all of them looked like in early October. I named them...I know I'm a dork. The big one is Goliath, the one in the back with warts is Mr. Lumps and Junior out in front. Mr. Incredible was successful growing them but he planted them too early. We had so many people ask about them as the walked by and asked where they could get one. Mr. Incredible bought one at the local grocery store last year. Remember?
Here is the picture from last year and he harvested the seeds and planted them in February as an experiment, way too soon but we had fun watching them grow. He plans on buying seeds next year and planting them later so we can carve them into the funny little faces.
This was how the Halloween décor evolved this year in our cottage like I said it took on many different looks for the season. But lets take a look inside the cottage even though I didn't do a whole lot inside just a few small spooky touches here and there.
Come on in the witch is in.....
If only you could hear my cackle, I think I need to addition for the local playhouse for the part of the Wicked Witch. Yep, this is me in my Halloween costume at the first annual Truck or Treat...gosh I scared myself looking in the mirror this year along with a few other trunk or treaters. Had some cry....even a few parents jumped at my scariness. I'm really good or am I really bad?
This was my Halloween mantel this year I had some ideas to make a banner but never got around to it, wanted to use some burlap and stencil Hocus Pocus on it, there is always next year. I also wanted to make a Witch Inn sign with the old wood but as you can see that never came to fruition. It seems I never have a enough time to create all the ideas in my head or maybe it's time management. Yes, I'm sure Mr. Incredible would say the latter. Next year....
My sideboard got a little spooky too with some witch candles and some skulls, some glitter green ones in the lantern and the one in the center from World Market. The wreath I copy-catted from the Williams-Sonoma website. I made the reused the Beware sign from another project. I added the striped ribbon to hang the wreath and the moss runner I borrowed from my neighbor.
The last few years I have planted succulents in Skully the skull but this year I used it was a serving piece for Spaghetti Salad brains at a Halloween party and then as a candle holder on Halloween night.
In my dining room I put a hairy spider to watch over a basket of white pumpkins. I didn't do a whole lot of spooky in this room, the living/dining room area. It's decorated more for fall then Halloween. With lots of white pumpkins.
Here are my li'l spooks, Minnie has on her Bat Wings but Snickers doesn't have a costume (poor baby, I don't think she minds much though)....but speaking of costumes I'll share one last picture of Mr. Incredible, myself, my daughter and her friend Dylan.
I think I'd make a good Warden....so if I don't get a full time teaching gig....
I've now put all the Halloween décor away and ready to pull out all things Thanksgiving. But as I see all over the internet everyone is already putting up their Christmas trees and decorated their mantels with holiday garland...I'm sorry but I have to enjoy each holiday as they come I guess I'm "old school". What school of thought are you? Are you itching to put up your Christmas décor or waiting until after Thanksgiving? I usually wait until December 1st but I think I'll start the day after Thanksgiving.