It's been a long, been a long, been a long, lonely time {insert Louis Armstrong lyrics} sorry. I've been doing a few projects around our cottage and taking classes to clear my teaching credential as I'm looking to seek full-time employment as an elementary teacher and of course we spent many days at the beach during the summer, so as usual my blog is neglected. One of the biggest projects we started in the spring was our garden on Cullen Street.
This is what it looked like when we started. Mr. Incredible built four of these 8' by 10' wood boxes and we both filled them with good fertilized dirt that took us many weekends to fill since we could only fit it in on Saturdays.
It didn't take long for all the vegetables to start growing and boy did they grow. We planted tomatoes, Beefsteak and Romas, cucumbers, yellow corn, Green Onions, greenbeans, peppers of all kinds, Jalapenos, Bell and Anaheim along with some herbs; basil, oregano, thyme and cilantro.
It was quite the say the least. You can see the vine growing in the background of our giant pumpkin growing experiment. Boy oh boy was it an experiment.
Of course some things did better than others...corn we only managed to get 6 ears but they were good. I heard corn is hard to grow so we will see how we do next summer.
You can see me behind the corn...being a screwball...always messing around.
We were able to harvest lots of good veggies especially tomatoes this summer and continue to get watermelons and yesterday this whopper of a tomato!
Yes, we have quite a few watermelons in different stages on the vine and they are so sweet and delish, my family can't get enough of them.
They get up into the 25 lb. range, the last one was 28lbs.
This one is ready to be picked! You can see one of our giant pumpkins in the background we have three of them.
This weekend we picked them all and brought them inside, they are enormous! Goliath in the front weight 149lbs. Mr. Lumps to the right in back and Junior, yes I named them. Don't you name your pumpkins too? Oh you don't..
You might of remembered this giant from last year, Mr. Incredible bought it last year from our local grocery store with the intention of harvesting its seeds to plant this year and I think he was quite successful. Goliath is way bigger than this one who I didn't name. Shame on me. We have them inside for now since last year the bugs attacked this one and we are afraid it might happen with Goliath, Mr. Lumps and Junior this year.
The garden will be getting ready for fall planting soon and I've been busy working on fallifying {yep I made that word up} the Cottage on Cullen St. My front porch is looking good and those corn stalks we got from the garden are coming in handy. How about you, are you in fall mode yet? It's been a bit overcast here in So Cal and feeling fallish even though there is not a chill in the air yet. Stay tuned for my fall porch.....lots of antique goodness on it, think vintage milk crates {courtesy of Mr. Incredible}, milk jugs and rusty mop buckets!