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July 20, 2015


Rachel  Wetherill

Ein, Swei, Drei, Horsengoggle

Camp White’s Landing was so much fun and taught me being female meant you still could be strong. My two weeks with Maitee and Scat really influenced my life, I was in contact with Sharon, Maitee, but have haven’t heard from her since the horrible Malibu fires.


Hi Nancy, Whites Landing was a special place I was there in the summer of 1983 only! Wow what special memories,

Nancy Clayton

I loved Whites Landing. I was camper when I was 10 until I was 17. When were you there? In 65 my counselors were Mary Perry, Mary jo Peppler and Nancy Owen who had been on the US volleyball team in the Olympics in 64. I also remember Pivot and Sailor. My best memories are going to Girl Scout camp. I also went to Camp Osiris Ranco in Big Bear from 1957 - 1068.

When were you a counselor there?

Nancy Schier Clayton


Hi Christine, yes I would of been your counselor, I keep in touch with a few of counselors like Tnumper, Scooter and Chip lives at the camp part time as her girlfriend runs the camp, which no longer is run by the Girl Scouts.

Christine Elowitt

I think you were my counselor at Tonga. I only went to Girl Scout Camp at Camp White's Landing once (my sister went many years in a row), and I remember we had counselors named Star, Tiny Mite and Scooter. So funny that I would happen upon your blog all these years later when searching the internet to try to figure out what ever happened to that camp. What is at the site now?

Gabrielle Mader

It was a great place to be a camper

Denise Kappele

Funny I was just looking this place up...summer of 1989 was the best as a camper!

Gabrielle Mader

Thanks Rue...I know we all had Farrah hair...those were the days...Catalina is a special place I love just being on the beach surrounded by water.


Thank you for taking me back to Catalina.... I miss it so....

I loved the hairdos in that old pick from camp. I tried so hard to have feathered hair LOL

I'm glad you had a great time :)


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