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January 04, 2010


philippines homes

Thankfully, I found your blog a few years ago, and enjoy reading it so much. :) Love the family pictures!

Deirdre G


Praying for a total and fast recovery on your BC surgery.


Loved all of the Christmas pictures! What beautiful decorations! Thanks for the update with your BC...I'm still praying for your full recovery...I can't wait to put a big ol' "answered" next to your name on my prayer list! :)
Sending big hugs your way!




thanks my wonderful, supportive friends. I'll be so glad when it is all over.

The Pleasures of Homemaking

Thanks for the update - boob is a funny word LOL! Your Friend's house is just gorgeous.


Beth at Aunties

I could never get tired of seeing or feeling Christmas!
Ellie, Thank You for sharing your BC journey. I want you to know you will be in my thoughts and prayers and January 15th will be circled on my calendar. I will be praying for good news. Bless your heart, I wish you the very best.
Sending hugs!

Renee Rubio

Thanks for the great pictures Ellie. We will add photography to your long list of talents! Love you. Renee


Thanks for the update Ellie. :-) I didn't want to call and bug you for an update over the Christmas break. Please remember, I'm only a phone call away and less than 10 minutes away too! :-)

shelley e

great pictures Ellie. Thanks for the update...you are in my thoughts.

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