I use my Robins Egg Blue plates for the Spring and Summer colors along with the Ironstone.
This was my Aunts sideboard which my husband refinished for me. We added the knobs and I just love this piece. You can see my round table I recently got off of craigslist. You'll see in another photo the revamp.
The red ticking pillow was my first sewing project I loved how it came out. The floral is a waverly fabric, which I'm basing my LR color scheme on. The old door came out of an old house in Fullerton, Ca. I have my Sweetheart Basket hanging fromt the Crystal knob.
The Buffet dressed up for Summer. Love of Sea colors, sea glass, bird houses and ball jars with fresh blooms.
It's all dressed up for fall with pot pourri and a skeleton watching guard.
My highback bench. My husband added the beadboard to it. I would like to put up a cubby hutch above it, it's near the entryway. My foursquare window that has scrapbook paper behind it.
The Buffet dressed up with my China and tinsel and snowman and lots of glitter and silver balls.
My Husband put up this shelf and I use it to display my pitchers. I thought the silver ornaments looked pretty hanging in the window for the holidays.
This is the top of an old antique stereo music thingy. It has a place where a record player use to be. We keep or stereo in there now. But I love it..its got a curved front with curved glass doors. The mirror is a recent antique find. The bird feeder was a Tuesday AM..find. And the crystal lamp was my Moms.
I had to put a cusion on this chair, the cats like to claw it. I love the scrolly back on it.
The new redone table. I added the beading and painted it a Linen white.
the cabinet is from Target and the Battenburg lace curtain I got a long time ago..My basket has all my makeup in it. This "Room" is very Beach Cottage...
the Jars hold all our bathroom essentials..I like how the whites look pretty together, so simple.
of what is on the mirror ledge..a small blue container with a shell in it and the soap with a picture of a Adirondack chair.
some of these dresses were mine when I was a baby, some are an antique and some where my oldest daughters with the hats
a picture of my Daughters Antique Wrought Irod bed with her Doll Dress quilt.
Santa Claus tree in our Living room. Next to the tree is our bench and a mirror shelf with our stockings. Up on the shelf is my Santa Claus collection, the ones that are not ornaments...
this was my bed when I was a little girl. I love that it has so much history and my daughter gets to use it now.